Alvin Sir / 文章



1️⃣ 寫to-do list

每朝起身第一件事寫低自己今日要完成邊啲tasks ,預計好曬每個task所需嘅時間。但記得唔好不切實際地訂太多目標俾自己,否則可能會有種力不從心嘅感覺然後好容易頹落嚟!


To-do list example: 

  1. DSE English Reading 2020 and Analysis of marking scheme (2.5 hours) 
  2. Revise vocabulary and its usage for argumentative essays (0.5 hours)
  3. Write on one DSE writing topic using the revised vocabulary and sentence patterns + read 5** sample essay to learn the ideas, elaboration and vocab (2 hours)
  4. Mathematics DSE by-topic past papers on trigonometry + analysis of mistakes (2 hours) 
  5. LS Key concepts on Today Hong Kong + brainstorm one DSE past paper question + read 5** samples to learn about the ideas and elaborations (2 hours)


2️⃣ 限時完成每份工作


3️⃣ 全神貫注30分鐘然後休息5分鐘


4️⃣ 溫一科溫到frustrated果陣,不妨試下轉戰第二科!
